Itchy Frenchie Update: June 2018

Happy summer everyone! I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted an article. Things have been busy around here. We also took a little vacation to the coast to visit some family. But we are back now and I’ll try to be a little more consistent with the posts. So here’s a quick update.

Update on Norman

Overall, Norman has been doing quite well this month. At least until this week. His skin had been pretty clear and he hadn’t been itching too much. We were even able to remove the cone! But a few days ago he started itching quite a bit, and developed some bumps on his chest and underarms. We also noticed the flaky skin and scabbing had returned.

He had been doing so well that we forgot to make his next appointment for another Cytopoint injection. He is getting it this weekend, so hopefully that helps clear him up a bit. I gave him a bath last night with some vet prescribed shampoo for seborrhea, which is what causes that flaky skin and scabs. Let me tell you, that shampoo really works! We put his cone back one for the night and this morning he actually looked much better. If you’re needing some more ideas to help with this season’s allergies, check out this post.

How are YOU Doing?

I am so glad that you’re here reading about Norman and signing up for his newsletter (hopefully). But I want to hear from you! It’s allergy season and I know there are so many dogs fighting the battle. I’m in several Facebook groups dedicated to these conversations. So let us know what is working for you. Or even what you’ve tried that didn’t work so well. Every case is different but it never hurts to share.

So feel free to leave a comment below, or find us on social media. We are around and willing to chat!



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Hi, My x chihihua/foxy is long overdue for her cynopoint, but have put her back on apoquel, she was doing well with just well good itch shampoo once a week along with aloveen oatmeal conditioner. We also soak her legs in baking soda and pat dry then massage and leave on the aloveen oatmeal conditioner for dogs, it seems to make her legs less itchy although I put dog socks on her feet at night to stop her licking them but she has worked out now how to get them off through the night. Her ears are a constant worry… Read more »

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